After my scrapbook adventures on Saturday the Hubs and I ended up taking care of a sick little one. We were so excited that she had made it 2 WHOLE weeks without getting sick. We had our fingers crossed but it wasn't enough. Back to the doctor we went yesterday. This time it was a diagnosis of bronchitis and a sinus infection. Poor Babycakes! She can't catch a break. :-( Here she is on the way home from the doctor yesterday.
Not sure what those red marks are on her face. I think her cheeks are chapped with all of the cold weather. :-(
The day before she was dressing up like a little fashionista. Her Auntie Karen got her some new pants (she is wearing one pair on each leg) and she just had to try them out pronto! The scarf belongs to me and the hat is her winter hat. By 9:00 that night she was running a fever. How quickly things can turn.
The good news is that she is on the mend and is starting to perk up now that she has antibiotics. Although I do worry about the long term impact of having so many antibiotics in her system at such a young age. I guess as a mom you are always worried about something.
I've also been trying to finish up some craft projects. Some of which have been going on way. too. long. Like this gem...
I started this when my best friend found out she was pregnant nine years ago. Seriously, nine years. Who takes this long to finish a project? That would be me. When I found out I was pregnant I started working on it again for Babycakes. I am so close to being finished. The little girl in the top right corner is all I need to finish. I finished the top left but it has all of her information on it and I don't feel comfortable posting it for all the world to see. But I promise you that part really is finished! I put it on my "to do" list for March so hopefully I will do it since I wrote it down.
I also wanted to show you what Cleo the cat does when I get up to grab a snack while I am catching up on my blog reading.
Apparently the Susan Branch blog that I enjoy reading isn't nearly as exciting for her.
Finally, I posted this pic on Facebook. It's my new 'do.
I still have to "deal" with it each morning but my hands on time has significantly decreased. With all I have going on right now this is a definite plus.
Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!