With all of the illnesses Babycakes has been through this fall it has been really difficult for me to update my blog on a regular basis. So I thought I would use this time that she is napping to catch everyone up on what we've been up to the past few
weeks months...
At the end of September, we headed to my hometown to celebrate my "baby" brother's 35th birthday. I really don't know how that's possible since I'm "only" 21. (wink! wink!)
We met at a great local Italian place with the whole family. As you can see, the little one was not shy AT ALL about her spaghetti. Ole girl can EAT!!! And spaghetti? Loves it!
The remnants of her dinner...
After dinner we went back to my brother's house for cake and ice cream. I mean, what's a birthday without cake??? Anyway, I wanted to get a photo of Babycakes with her Uncle and I did...sort of...
In early October we took a family trip to see my best friend and her family. They live about two and a half hours away which I HATE but always love seeing them and catching up. She is Babycakes' Godmother and I am Godmother to her 2 beautiful babies. It was her youngest baby's 5th birthday and we went to celebrate. Here is a picture of me and the little one. Love the picture - just wish she was looking at the camera!
While Babycakes wouldn't go to her Aunt Chrissy, she did enjoy all of the attention...
she was definitely worn out by the end of the day's activities.
Not long after out trip we had to take Babycakes to the doctor (this was to be one of the first of many so far). This was when she had roseola and it wasn't until she broke out in a rash that the pediatrician determined what it was. Thankfully, it wasn't something more serious. And yes, we did take her to the doctor in her pjs. While she doesn't look it in this picture she was a sick little girl.
In late October, Babycakes got dressed up for a date with her Uncle. See the cute bow in her hair? It lasted about 10 minutes. When she saw her reflection in the glass of the front door she realized she had something on her head and had to remove it. Immediately. Despite the bow removal she and Uncle had a good time.
At the end of October we were a part of the millions of folks impacted on the east coast by Frankenstorm/Hurrican Sandy. The hubs and I were off work for two days because of the storm (not that I'm complaining!) but we were also dealing with a sick little one (again!) What started out as the common cold grew into an ear infection and upper respiratory infection. Here is my sick baby sleeping through the storm...
The morning after the storm we awoke to assess the damage. Fortunately this was all we found...
This is a pear tree in our front yard. We (used to) have railroad ties around the base of the tree. You can see one of the three ties in the distance near the railroad tracks. I'm not sure how much one of those things weighs but I know they aren't light!
Fortunately, this fall hasn't been all about freak storms and sick babies (although it feels like the sick baby part may be a little bit true). We have found time to find joy in the ordinary.
Like doing laundry,
creating a masterpiece with crayons,
discovering belly buttons (my personal favorite!),
or just playing toys with Daddy.
While we are not rich in money, I believe we are rich in the things that matter. We have each other, a relationship with Christ, and so many things that can't be bought. And while Babycakes has had a rough couple of months for illnesses, they are so minor in comparison to what other families are facing. So in this season of Thanksgiving, I am truly thankful for all that I have been provided.