So, I've been doing pretty well keeping up with my resolutions so far. The decluttering is going fairly well - I was able to take a box of things to the consignment shop yesterday and another to Goodwill.
Recently, I have been working on my photographs. As a scrapbooker who has very little time to scrapbook these days (working full time, being a mama, beginning a dissertation...) my photos have been taking over my desk and my computer so I thought I would tackle these areas. I love to take pictures and I'm (usually) pretty good about uploading them to my computer. Then they stay there until the end of time apparently. I keep thinking I will print them out and scrapbook them. But I finally had to "get real" with myself - I'm not doing anything with those pictures on my computer. So I uploaded them to an online photo site (My Publisher) and have been spending at least 15 minutes each evening organizing them into a book so that I can order an actual book instead of having our treasured memories "trapped" in my laptop. This way everyone can enjoy them!
The floor project, on the other hand, has not been as successful. I have lost my steam. I am soooo close to finishing and I really need to suck it up and just scrub the floor. Maybe I can budget some money for some cute rugs to dress up that hideous floor. I really do hate it.
So there's my progress on my resolutions. How have you been doing?
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