Friday, April 5, 2013

Thoughts on Turning (gulp!) 40!!!

So, I recently celebrated a milestone birthday.  While I'm not embarassed about my age and I don't consider myself "old" (except when recovering from illnesses that used to be gone in a matter of days now takes a week or more) I'm still not sure how I feel about this milestone in my life.

My actual birthday was kind of a bust.  It was one of those days when not long after you start your day you wish you could crawl back under the covers and try again tomorrow.  It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't the fabulous day I wanted.  Of course, I spent my 30th birthday in Paris, France so spending my 40th in a middle school was kind of a let down.

But the weekend after my birthday my AWESOME sister organized a dinner at one of my favorite restaurants in the area with my family. 

 Babycakes was in HEAVEN!  She got to sit in between her Grammy and her Uncle Mike!

I was in heaven because I got to sit in between my Mom and Stepmother. :-)  Two of my favorite women in the whole world!

Not sure about the expression on my face in this one...

My Mom got me a charm bracelet for my birthday!  I have been wanting one for.!!! 
I love that my little sister works at the jewelry counter of a local department store! :-)

Babycakes was really the life of the party.  She showed off her hat...
...before deciding it looked better on her Grandpa!

 That's my "little" brother there on the left.  I can't believe I didn't get a picture with him OR the Hubs.  Epic fail on my part!

 And Mommy's little rock star!

 Finally, a picture of my and my little sister.  She is expecting a little girl in July and I am so excited to be an Auntie! :-)

 So while it wasn't Paris and I had to turn 40 somewhere, I'm glad I turned 40 exactly the way that I did!

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